GATE Program
Our Vision
Providing the education gifted students need...
Our GATE program (4th to 6thgrade) is designed to challenge and motivate students to use their talents and abilities to think and express themselves in more complex ways. Newport-Mesa Unified’s goal for the GATE program is to provide access to the most rigorous coursework and independent research with highly qualified teachers, as well as provide educational experiences that expose students to varied resources and learning opportunities in Science, Technology, Oration, and The Arts. Our GATE students collaborate and present their research findings in an annual GATE showcase to deepen their understanding of the concepts learned in class. GATE students at Adams Elementary are supported in both their unique educational and social-emotional
Challenging students to a deeper level of thinking...
Our highly qualified teachers understand how to differentiate the curriculum to best engage with GATE students. Teachers use “Depth and Complexity Elements” as a guide for integrating depth and complexity in activities and lessons, asking students more sophisticated questions, guiding literature circles, providing enhanced learning opportunities by exploring topics during GATE group rotations, and/or independent study sessions
How Students Qualify
All students in Newport-Mesa will have the opportunity to take the GATE test in 3rd grade. Adams tests only once per school year, please talk with your site GATE Coordinator about the specific test date for your child. The entire identification process is completed by May. All students tested will receive results in the mail. If a student is eligible for re-testing, they will need to wait until the next testing cycle which will take place the following January.