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Adams Elementary PTA

The Adams PTA (Parent Teacher Association) is a non-profit organization lead by dedicated parents and staff for the purpose of raising funds to support various learning experiences at our school. 

Throughout the year, PTA holds fundraisers and meetings to support many activities and enrichment programs for our students and families. There are a lot of volunteer hours spent planning and creating programs that will offer our students memorable experiences.

We invite you to join the PTA and get involved in any way you can! A commitment of a few hours a month can make a lasting impact for our children.  You can contact Adams PTA at if you have any questions.  

How to Join the Adams PTA

The Adams PTA encourages all parents, grandparents, friends and others to join and be involved in our school community! If you are interested in joining the PTA, please pick up a form in the front office and submit a one time fee of $10. You may drop off the completed form and envelope with your membership donation in the PTA box in the front office or submit it online.  

PTA  Sponsored Events

Below please find a sample of the events/activities Adams PTA provides for our All-Star students and their families:

  • Field Trips
  • Movie Nights
  • Family Nights
  • FIBO Art 
  • Friday Fiesta 
  • Library Books
  • Coding for Grades 4-6

2023-24 PTA Executive Board

President: Nicole Mason, 949-295-2965 

Executive Vice President: Belen Field, 323-424-0652

Treasurer: Kelly Phipps, 714-501-8265

Secretary: Eva Marine Stevenson, 657-269-7372

Auditor: Alicen Burtness, 714-458-5047

Historian: Frances Garcia

Parliamentarian: Gina Hernandez, 951-818-0437

VP Communications: Leslie Lujan, 714-864-1458

Reflections: Asia Vargas, 714-760-3199

Social Media: Iliana Caravajal Aguirre, 949-287-9915

Spirit Wear: Tayler Aquino, 586-707-1259

Room Parent Coordinator: Morgan Moreau, 619-869-9783

Disclaimer: This webpage is operated and maintained by volunteers of the PTA.  All information and postings associated with this page and any links are at the sole discretion of the PTA and not endorsed by the Newport-Mesa Unified School District.